Friday, December 23, 2011
Setahun Jagung
Monday, September 26, 2011
Job Hunter
Dalam mOod tercari-cari, mencri-cari, menari-nari. Pffttt!
The mOst reasonable reasOn nape established cOmpany xnak hire aku just becOz i'm not local. (sedapkan hati kot).
Kalau company kecik3 ni, ade la nak hire tapi gaji pulak mencipot. Ades. Bukan la nak memilih sangat kOt. At least kasi senang la sket d mase depan.
Setiap hari pun hantar email, search vacancy. Tapi masih tiada yang ngam lO.
Bumi Allah ni kan besar. Ade je rezeki yang diberikanNye, cume kite yang tak nampak Haruslah bersyukur dengan ape yang adO, disamping berusehe!
The mOst reasonable reasOn nape established cOmpany xnak hire aku just becOz i'm not local. (sedapkan hati kot).
Kalau company kecik3 ni, ade la nak hire tapi gaji pulak mencipot. Ades. Bukan la nak memilih sangat kOt. At least kasi senang la sket d mase depan.
Setiap hari pun hantar email, search vacancy. Tapi masih tiada yang ngam lO.
Bumi Allah ni kan besar. Ade je rezeki yang diberikanNye, cume kite yang tak nampak Haruslah bersyukur dengan ape yang adO, disamping berusehe!
C A I Y O K !
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Mood Aidilfitri
This is the only raye picture that i've took. Haiyak! Tot diz year is most meaningfull raye ever coz 1st tym rayer berdua. He3. Really, it's meaningfull, xde la sangat emotional di pagi raye. Everthing just happen lyk that. Lyk a blink of an eye. Tak sempat pon nak capai kamera or handfon utk snap3 pix raye. Ape yang ado hanyelah Kenangan Rayer 2o11.
Dari kecik agy duk tgk mak buat ketupat palas, tapi xpenah nak pandai. Ki3. Bukan tak penah cube, tapi ... lebih baik serahkan pade yang pakar. Wah3. Pemalas! Ungkapan tu tak seharusnye digunepakaikan yer. Mane nak pandai kalao tak rajin usehe. Buat sekali je dah give up. Kamonlaahh! Jadi, sekarang bile kene ngan mak mertua, barulah terpakse pandai3. Dan ayat yang paling best je kene sound "Mak selalu buat, hang tak tengok ka?" Mampoih! Terkebil3 aku disitu. Makkk! Amekaw~ Nasib baik ade mentor disitu, 'anak dara' mak jugak yang tolong. Ki3. Tu pon masih terkial3. 2nd ayatnye "Tak jadi la ketupat ni esok".
Kene lagi sebijik. Kuang3. Tapi akhirnye jadik jugak ketupat palas mak untuk disantap di pagi hali laye.
Bab kuih muih, kite serahkan kat akak ipar aku yang sorang nih. Maka dengan itu menyemperitlah kami seharian suntuk mengotorkan dapur rumahnye. Hi3. Dengan tambahan lagi dua orang pekerja xtra, tukang rase kuih raye di siang hari. Kalau da asyik mintak jek, pas sebijik, sebijik, maknenye sodappplah kan. Ha3. Mekaseyh3. Akulah yang membuatnye membako je pon! Cukuplah yang kami buat sekadar menjamu tetamu yang datang. Lepas tu buat je kuih yang paling simple in the weld, Honey Cornflakes. Name macam klees la sket kan. Kunun. Yang lain macam da banyak jek kuih kat rumah mak, ade putu kacang buatan Chik, dodol buatan Ndak, lebih kurang la, semua sedara mara jugak yang buat, jadi tak susah kot. Kumpul3 sikit sorang da menimbun jugak kuih raye. Hi3.
Tibalah saat yang dinanti, di pagi hari raye. Sendu tak hingat bile pergi sembahyang raya, terdengar takbir raya terkenang ayah bonda. Hu3.Mak, abah, ampunkan anaknda tak dapat beraya pertama bersama~ next year will do. Hu3. InsyaAllah jika masih dipanjangkan umur, dipertemukanlah kita.
Raya kan sebulan! Hi3. Puas beraya 2 hari di kampung halaman cik abang, tibalah giliran kite plak. hoO~ hOo balik kampOng ... Sepanjang 12 jam perjalanan yang sepatutnya hanyalah lebih kurang 8 jam on the road, tak terkira da excident yang berlaku. Alhamdulillah, kami sampai dengan selamat. Hik3. Mood raye still ade walaupon mejoriti kengkawan sumer da balik bekerja di perantauan. Urm ... Nasib baik sempat jugek beraye dengan Qintan & Sipa Jipun. Hik3.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Update ...
AssalamualaikOm. Salam Ramadhan buat anda3. Hik3. Sape je lah yang fOllow my 'blOg' yang xsemenggah pOn. Selamat berpOce.
Dah 2 minggu aku meletakkan (melarikan) jawatan. Stay kat rumah & menghilangkan sedikit sebanyak beban yang aku tanggOng. Hurm ... Sedikit lega bile da lepaskan sumer tuh. AgypOwn bulan pOce kan, lilex je la kat ghumah, masak3 untOk bebuke. Dapat la beribadat dengan tenang sket. Sambil3 aku ade attend several interviews & resultnye lepas raye. sO lepas raye ni lah baru nak pk3 carik keje len dengan bertungkus lumus.
Rayer : 1st tym babe, rayer ngn Husband. Sedikit rase teruje di situ. Balik kampOng, barulah prepare untOp rayer. Nah, disitulah waktunye na sOpim pOn! Yeay! Rabu nite will arrived at kL. Thursdey tym tO perabeh duit. Hu3. Then, Thursdey nite barulah mOve to hOo hoO balek kampOng . TaOn ni berayer ngan my in law dulu. Its gOnna be lebih meriah cOz my in law's family nim sangat3 ramai. He3. But still gOnna be a lil' syahdu di pagi hari rayer tak dapat besalam3 ngn my mOm, my dad, alOng, angah, yen & jijOl. But sOkey, the 3rd day Of rayer we'll be berayerlah kan, mOm.
Jadik dikesempatan ini juge inginlah saye, nOr'azila bt Khazale memOhon ampun & maaf kepade anda3 sekireye ade yang xsenang dengan saye, sekirenye ade kesilapan, keterhutangan sayer pade kalian.
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin.
Wah3! Macam maseh terlalOo awai la plOp. Hik3.
Dah 2 minggu aku meletakkan (melarikan) jawatan. Stay kat rumah & menghilangkan sedikit sebanyak beban yang aku tanggOng. Hurm ... Sedikit lega bile da lepaskan sumer tuh. AgypOwn bulan pOce kan, lilex je la kat ghumah, masak3 untOk bebuke. Dapat la beribadat dengan tenang sket. Sambil3 aku ade attend several interviews & resultnye lepas raye. sO lepas raye ni lah baru nak pk3 carik keje len dengan bertungkus lumus.
Rayer : 1st tym babe, rayer ngn Husband. Sedikit rase teruje di situ. Balik kampOng, barulah prepare untOp rayer. Nah, disitulah waktunye na sOpim pOn! Yeay! Rabu nite will arrived at kL. Thursdey tym tO perabeh duit. Hu3. Then, Thursdey nite barulah mOve to hOo hoO balek kampOng . TaOn ni berayer ngan my in law dulu. Its gOnna be lebih meriah cOz my in law's family nim sangat3 ramai. He3. But still gOnna be a lil' syahdu di pagi hari rayer tak dapat besalam3 ngn my mOm, my dad, alOng, angah, yen & jijOl. But sOkey, the 3rd day Of rayer we'll be berayerlah kan, mOm.
Jadik dikesempatan ini juge inginlah saye, nOr'azila bt Khazale memOhon ampun & maaf kepade anda3 sekireye ade yang xsenang dengan saye, sekirenye ade kesilapan, keterhutangan sayer pade kalian.
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin.
Wah3! Macam maseh terlalOo awai la plOp. Hik3.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
asam garam ...
Kadang3 susah kite na buat Oam lem paham, what dO we felt. It is tOo cOmplicated. Macammane kite na luahkan segale ape yang kite rase ... Happy felt, sudah terang3 Oam nampak, that sad feelim ... ?
We dO have friends, yep, gOod friends as lOng as they can lend their ears, shOulders tO us. Tapi bukan 24-7 they will meluangkan mase dengan kite untuk mendengar setiap keluhan & rintihan kite. They've gOt their Own Life ... Bile kite sedar tu, adekah setiap kaLi kawan3 ingin meluahkan perasaan, setiap kaLi ituLah kite mendengar & pemujuk yang baik? Then, we shOuld nOt menaruh sepenOh harapan bahawesenye they will dO da same tO us.
We dO have 'sOulmate'. Dalam sesetengah pekare kadang3 this sOulmate can transfOrm intO transfOrmers yang kite xkenaL LangsOng. MOst Of the tym, we will fall in lOve dengannye, but sOme Other tym, he turns Out tO be sOmetim Or sOmbedy esle ...
POkoknya, the strength terletak pade diri kite sendiri. Ape yang penting jangan cepat melenting ... BerdOa semOge diberi kekuatan & ketabahan. Bukan hidOplah namenye bile kite selalu di atas, xpenah merase susah & peritnye hidOp ni.
We dO have friends, yep, gOod friends as lOng as they can lend their ears, shOulders tO us. Tapi bukan 24-7 they will meluangkan mase dengan kite untuk mendengar setiap keluhan & rintihan kite. They've gOt their Own Life ... Bile kite sedar tu, adekah setiap kaLi kawan3 ingin meluahkan perasaan, setiap kaLi ituLah kite mendengar & pemujuk yang baik? Then, we shOuld nOt menaruh sepenOh harapan bahawesenye they will dO da same tO us.
We dO have 'sOulmate'. Dalam sesetengah pekare kadang3 this sOulmate can transfOrm intO transfOrmers yang kite xkenaL LangsOng. MOst Of the tym, we will fall in lOve dengannye, but sOme Other tym, he turns Out tO be sOmetim Or sOmbedy esle ...
POkoknya, the strength terletak pade diri kite sendiri. Ape yang penting jangan cepat melenting ... BerdOa semOge diberi kekuatan & ketabahan. Bukan hidOplah namenye bile kite selalu di atas, xpenah merase susah & peritnye hidOp ni.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
LOve & ...
Below write-up/opinions was copied from Hik3. Just tOt that this is sO true. And this is aLL abOut LOve ...
You want to take something which belong to someone else and then you expect to be happy? Ok yes, let the best women win but heh remember, if he can choose you over his ex, he can also choose someone else in the future over you. >>> remember that, what gOes arOund cOmes arOund
Don’t ever take something that does not belongs to you
Know what you want
The problem with all of us women, sometimes we don’t know what we want. Even when it comes to order food, we are still not sure and ended saying
“You order ajelah apa-apa untuk I”.
Tak pun tengah bergaduh-gaduh when the guy asked “Tell me what do you want me to do ?”, u'll terdiam sebab tak tau nak jawab apa. So before asking for attention, love or whatever, determine what you want. Nak suruh urutkan kaki ke, nak suruh bawakkan shopping ke or whatever you want. >>> that will be satisfying yOu, rite. If nOt, we'll be mOncong all the tym, merajOk, even dy pOn betOl3 tataw what tO do. Even the smallest thing, let him nOe.
Tell him what you want
Women have extra senses, they can sense certain things [or perasan boleh sense certain things hehe] but not men. Walau macamana kuat pon yOur kuasa telepathic, dia takkan paham, you need to tell them or give a VERY OBVIOUS hint. Hint-hint sipi-sipi tidak akan berjaya.
Usual method : Bestkan kalau dapat pergi Genting?
Correct way : I nak pergi genting, jom?Jomlaaaaaaaaaaa jomlaaaaaaaaaaaa. Kalau you tak nak, I tarik handbrake ni [hehe tambah second ayat itu jika anda perempaun saiko]
Usual method : *Jeling-jeling bag
Correct way : I want this handbag. Maybe not this month, but next month please?
Yela memang bestla kan surprises3 tapi tak best ok bila u'Olls dah kasi hint dia tak buat-buat jugak, lepas tu mulala nak cakap “You tak paham perasaan I”. Nak paham apa, dah kau tak cakaaaaap.
Say please and thank you
Sometimes I can’t help noticing some women are rude or doesn’t seem know how to give the smallest credit to their partner. Saying please or thank you will not hurt you. Make it a habit from now on. If you can say please and thank you to your boss, why can’t you do the same to your partner? >>> they'll akan Owez rase dihargai & diperlukan ...
Never ever unhook your bra to make him loves you
This is what I alwayssssssssss hear from my girlfriends.“I don’t knowlah babe, he’s so loving and caring tapi after that dia angkat call aku pon tak”
Like duh. Of coursela he’s so loving, dia nak pepet kau. If he really wants you, he will wait and would not mind just keluar jalan-jalan makan-makan. Unless you guys want to have fun and does not need attachment itu lainlah.
But NEVER EVERRRRR berbogel in front of a man to make him loves you, unless you guys are married [Ini pon ikut mood jugakla kan. Hi3]
Stay calm during arguments
If he yelled, you don’t have to, try to use your calmness to make him realize yelling is not helping. Anger management could be quite an issue. Jarang nak tengok lelaki menjerit tapi kadang-kadang memang ada lelaki suka nak tinggi-tinggi suara menyebabkan darah u'Olls naik. But when he raised his voice and you raised your voice too, things will get ugly. Instead of competing whose voice can reach the top note, why don’t you calm yourself and ask him nicely or tell him that his high pitch is so not nice to hear.
I know sakit dalam hati Tuhan yang tahu but you will appear less stupid compared to him. And he might calm down too thus save both of your energy bergaduh. Tapi kalau dia jenis lelaki gampang, nak jugak maki-maki kau dan pukul-pukul kau, kau tak payah banyak cakap, blah je lepas tu biar dia menggelupur sendiri.
Teach him how to respect you
First, you must respect yourself. Knows your limit untuk bergurau or menerima cercaan. Memanglah boleh ditegur tapi takdela sampai kau dah kene maki habis-habisan kau nak diam. Also, being together does not mean you have to share everything, you have the right not to give the password to your email address, facebook accounts or apa-apa lagi. Itu semua privacy tapi kalau nak kau nak kasi jugak, then it’s up to you just that, I still think you need to let him respect your privacy.
Oh also, you should do the same to him, screening his phone calls and emails are not good ok. >>> Heh3. Have dOne this befOre. But in certain cases when i need tO bOrrow his email & fb tOo. Hik3. Sekaram, even tahu his passwOrd, da x maO mencerObohi. Hik3. Even thO sumtym ade juge rase ingin mengintai3. But, just try tO percayekannye ... If he still wanna flirt3 O sumtim, let him be, he nOe ape yang dy wat. As lOng as we nOe Our right & he dOesn't mengabaikan kite.
Kau jangan mengamuk-ngamuk tak pepasal boleh tak?
Oh yes bloody hormones, don’t we hate them? Like you, he also does not like to be yelled, cursed tak bersebab. Urm, I always have this problem especially bila nak period. Akan ada satu perasaan datang yang kalau silap sikit kompem rasa nak tolak-tolak dan tumbuk-tumbuk sambil cakap
“You bodohhhhhhh! You bodohhhh! You tak paham I! Eeeeee ... I nak gigit youuu, nak tumbukkkkkk!!”
... but instead of doing that I will say “ I think I am not in a good mood, might be getting my menses soon and might be a bitch. Sorry ok kalau kejap lagi muka I macam $#!t ” . Sometimes, when you are lucky, he will picit-picit your badan and bring you a cup of tea. So sebelum kau jadi perempuan gila, tell him how you are feeling. Nicely ...
Knowing when to say sorry and when not to
Say sorry when it’s your fault, ego will not bring you further when it comes to the person you love. There’s nothing wrong with being humble but you don’t have to say sorry when it’s not your fault.
Example : You found out that your partner is seeing someone else, you confront him and he starts yelling, so you pon apa lagi hotlakan, gaduh-gaduh, defend-defend, tipu-tipu, you ended up apoligising, instead of him doing do
That, you shouldn’t do! >>> that will make him timkim that was nOt sO wrong & will be dOing that all the tym, again & again & again ...
Accept his flaws and tell him he should to
Kalau dah muka dan gaya dia macam Mahmud bin Jasin janganlah berharap suatu hari nanti dengan pertolongan tangan fashionista kau dia akan bertukar menjadi Brad Pitt. Mungkin dia bolehla bertukar kejap dengan segala DKNY, Armani Exchange dan segala nenek brand tapi kejap je tu. Kalau dah seumur hidup dia pakai seluar cap nyonya, nanti 5 tahun akan datang dia tetap akan kembali pakai seluar cap nyonya. Percayalah cakap aku, jadi either kau terima dia as Mahmud bin Jasin atau kau carikla orang lain.
Juga, you should tell him the same, your raisins tits will not turns into watermelon no matter how often he sucked and modified it [naturally tapikan]. Terima jelah tetek kecik. Kalau tak nak, belahla wey, suka akula nak tetek kecik ke apa.
Bottom line is, if you can’t accept his flaws and expect him to change, tsk tsk you better think twice.
Always learn from mistake
Whatever is done, is done, you can never undo them but what you can do is making sure they will never happen again.
Do not ignore the familiar signs; do not fall for the same sayang cinta tak-boleh-hidup-tanpa-you kawen line unless he shows some proofs.
Kuatkan hati tu sikit. Takpela kalau terlepas pon, bukannya berkualiti sangat pon. Sekejap je dari lepas ni kau menangis menonggeng-nonggeng.
Knowing when to let go
Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, when they are not meant for you, they will never be. I am not saying that you should give up easily, no cuma when they are obvious sign, maybe it’s time for you to leave. What signs?
I don’t know that much but I can think of some ;
>>>When he starts to hit you. Hit as in tumbuk terajang. Don’t tell me you still want stick with a dickless guy like this?
>>>When you caught him cheating more than once or twine or even thrice. Enough saidla kan?
>>>When you spent more time crying in your relationship rather than feeling happy and blessed.
Pedih memang pedih tapi sampai bila nak tunggu, sampai dah anak lapan?
>>>When you caught him cheating more than once or twine or even thrice. Enough saidla kan?
>>>When you spent more time crying in your relationship rather than feeling happy and blessed.
Pedih memang pedih tapi sampai bila nak tunggu, sampai dah anak lapan?
But the most important thing is, before anything, love and value yourself, because if you don’t nobody would ...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
kerinduan yang terlalOo~
It's weekend ... NOtim. LOmely. Abanggg, cepatlah balik. Huhu~ lagi satu, due, tige, empat, lime ... lime hari lagi. Huhu~
Huhu~ nOmel wOrkim dey, i wOke up early & tOt hOw nice is it gOnna be that we can gO to wOrk tOgether. I gOnna give u a kiss and sO were yOu. I miss that sOo much. Hurm... Bile balik mesti i akan sampai dulu, & siap3kan ape yang patOt, letak nasik, prepare na masak, tapi sekarang, memikirkan na makan sOam3, bia je lah ... At least bOle diet, xmakan malam. Kih3.
Yesterdey, Saturdey, yOu'll be sending and jempOt i balik keje & suprisingly, yOu've prepared Our lunch, dO the laundry & mengemas umah. Huhu~ But yesterdey, heh, fO nOt being sad by just get hOme afta wOrk, i hang Out with Ana. menOnton Hikayat MerOng Mahawangsa. Nice stOry, but still in my mind tinkin Of u.
TOday, it's Sundey, where sun dOesn't really shOw his face. It's rainim, mengintai dari luar jendela, hanye kerete kite yang ade di parkir bawah tuh. Huhu~ nOmelly, kite akan jalan3 kan? Menikmati sunset. If ujan, kite pegi menikmati yOyo, jalan3 windOw sOpim, and mOst Of the tym i'll be fOllowing yOu, watching u playing futsal. Urm ...
Begitulah berlalOonye setiap hari tanpe kamOo disisisi. Olmos nOtim. Huhu~ cepat3lah kembali pulang yer ...
Huhu~ nOmel wOrkim dey, i wOke up early & tOt hOw nice is it gOnna be that we can gO to wOrk tOgether. I gOnna give u a kiss and sO were yOu. I miss that sOo much. Hurm... Bile balik mesti i akan sampai dulu, & siap3kan ape yang patOt, letak nasik, prepare na masak, tapi sekarang, memikirkan na makan sOam3, bia je lah ... At least bOle diet, xmakan malam. Kih3.
Yesterdey, Saturdey, yOu'll be sending and jempOt i balik keje & suprisingly, yOu've prepared Our lunch, dO the laundry & mengemas umah. Huhu~ But yesterdey, heh, fO nOt being sad by just get hOme afta wOrk, i hang Out with Ana. menOnton Hikayat MerOng Mahawangsa. Nice stOry, but still in my mind tinkin Of u.
TOday, it's Sundey, where sun dOesn't really shOw his face. It's rainim, mengintai dari luar jendela, hanye kerete kite yang ade di parkir bawah tuh. Huhu~ nOmelly, kite akan jalan3 kan? Menikmati sunset. If ujan, kite pegi menikmati yOyo, jalan3 windOw sOpim, and mOst Of the tym i'll be fOllowing yOu, watching u playing futsal. Urm ...
Begitulah berlalOonye setiap hari tanpe kamOo disisisi. Olmos nOtim. Huhu~ cepat3lah kembali pulang yer ...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
♫♪ Here we gO againnn ♫♪
Here i am ... Da lame xdep entry. Hip3! Menaip sambil berbacgrOundkan Lagu Animal~NeOn Trees
Barusan ngantarin my hubby tO airpOrt. Hurm ... Cedih jep melihatkan pemergiannye selame 13 hari, equals tO seplOh haLi wOrkim dey, satu haLi half dey wOrkim, due haLi minggu yang keseOraman dan kesepian, & twelve nite all alOne & lOnely. Hu3.
Tapi tak mengape sayam, kepergianmu hanye sekijap jep an, an, an. Akan ku nanti kepulanganmu. Hip3. Pejam celik x13(dalam sebutan) da sampai hari kepulangan yang dinanti. Hi3. Already missssses u sOoo damn muchas!
NOw that i'm wOrkim, xdep la terase sangat, tapi bile balik kije, xdep Oam kat umah ... Hu3. Sadis3. Sabaw je lah. Hu3.
My jOb is kinda lOts of wOrk, yeah, everyday entry kan, Opkoslah. Still need tO learn. Learnim frOm a chinesesss, never had that experienced befOre, but this laO shi really taught me a gOod lessOns. Very detail & strict! Ha3. Ramai yang cakap she is sOo garammm. Ha3. Once saw a gurl cryim afta scOlded bicOs banyak tanye sangat. Kasian budak tuh. Niat na tanye takOt sesat jalan, turns Out to gO to jalan mati. Haiyaaa~
Biarlah, as lOng as aku tak buat ape² kesalahan yang memudaratkan mase depan, laO dy na marah aku, memang taklah! Hi3.
Life's gOes On pOsitively ...
Barusan ngantarin my hubby tO airpOrt. Hurm ... Cedih jep melihatkan pemergiannye selame 13 hari, equals tO seplOh haLi wOrkim dey, satu haLi half dey wOrkim, due haLi minggu yang keseOraman dan kesepian, & twelve nite all alOne & lOnely. Hu3.
Tapi tak mengape sayam, kepergianmu hanye sekijap jep an, an, an. Akan ku nanti kepulanganmu. Hip3. Pejam celik x13(dalam sebutan) da sampai hari kepulangan yang dinanti. Hi3. Already missssses u sOoo damn muchas!
NOw that i'm wOrkim, xdep la terase sangat, tapi bile balik kije, xdep Oam kat umah ... Hu3. Sadis3. Sabaw je lah. Hu3.
My jOb is kinda lOts of wOrk, yeah, everyday entry kan, Opkoslah. Still need tO learn. Learnim frOm a chinesesss, never had that experienced befOre, but this laO shi really taught me a gOod lessOns. Very detail & strict! Ha3. Ramai yang cakap she is sOo garammm. Ha3. Once saw a gurl cryim afta scOlded bicOs banyak tanye sangat. Kasian budak tuh. Niat na tanye takOt sesat jalan, turns Out to gO to jalan mati. Haiyaaa~
Biarlah, as lOng as aku tak buat ape² kesalahan yang memudaratkan mase depan, laO dy na marah aku, memang taklah! Hi3.
Life's gOes On pOsitively ...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Hate it O lOve it ...
Taylor Swift: Back To December Lyrics
Songwriters: Swift, Taylor;
I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life, tell me how's your family
I haven't seen them in a while
You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing that I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time
These days I haven't been sleeping
Staying up playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn't call
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side and
Realized I loved you in the fall
And then the cold came,
The dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye
So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing that I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night,
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
If we loved again I swear I'd love you right
I'd go back in time and change it but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand
But this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing that I'd realized what I had when you were mine and
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright and
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind and
I go back to December all the time
P/S : Semua yang berlaku atas kehendakNye. Sebagai hambaNye, harus pasrah & redha jek. Kite tak mampu menghalang andai itu takdirnye. Selagi terdaye, berusehelah untuk jadi yang terbaik.
"~~~HiDup TaK SeiNdaH mImPi tApI Ianya Akan MEnjadi iNdah Bila kitA yAkin DAn pAsraH KEpAdANya... kEkAL~~~" Ahmad Najmi Awang.
Syukur Alhamdulillah, at last i'm hired. Ngehngehngeh.
A supermarket je pOn, xglamOurous mane. HiHi. Tapi syukurlah daripade tiade. Gaji pOn nOt bad, keje pOn xsusa sangat, macam ape yang aku da penah buat (merujuk perbincangan awal), cume a bit extra wOrk la. Paham la tu, a supermarket, everydey transactiOn, bukan macam cOnstructiOn cOmpany dulu. TOt i can hadle that.
Arakian pOn begitu, masih runsing maa ... harus start keje immediately sO, i gave 'em 7th March tO start my wOrk. Early March cannOt larh cOz gOt sumtim extra special. Hurm ... tOt bOleh start early April, cOz na kene balik kampOng mid March nim cOz my hubby ade kurusus 2 weeks kat Sepang & I will be staying at my parents lOrh. Disamping itu aku bakalan sempat menghadirkan diri di majlis pekahwinan Nana. Hurm ... Perancangan awainye begitu, Tapi sekarang ni, buntu laaa ... Haiyya! Macammane maO buat nim. Na negO macammane ngan bOs nim ye?
Harus balik O x?
Tak balik >>> Mampu x survive kat sini fO 2 weeks?
>>> Have tO cancel la na pegi kenduri-kendare Nana.
Balik >>> Besh laaa~ rindu mak abah, kampOng halaman. Hukhuk.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa
The Malay Chronicles: Bloodlines (Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa)
Pengarah : | Yusry Abd Halim | ||
Syarikat Penerbit : | KRU Studios Sdn. Bhd. | ||
Bahasa : | Bahasa Melayu | ||
kategori : | Filem Cereka | ||
Genre : | Sejarah, Aksi, Peperangan | ||
Klasifikasi : | U - Untuk tontonan umum | ||
Tarikh Tayangan : | 10 Mac 2011 | ||
Durasi : | 110 min | ||
Audio : | Dolby | ||
Format : | 35mm P/S : Harus nOntOn nih! |
Ades laa ... Penampang. Memang nak kene penampaq agaknye. Aiyak! Evergreen yang dicarik itu hanye didepan mate! . Segenap kawasan da mencarik macammane la buleyh tak nampak. Hampir² melanggar incik lOrry itu. HardOi! Mujurlah tiada apa². Lantas terOs pulang sahaja kerana agak frustrated. Huhu~ mujur bOleh arrange intevu tu di hari yang lain.
P/S : Next tym u better watch ur mOve, eventhO area tuh xmanyak kete. Hiphip!
P/S : Next tym u better watch ur mOve, eventhO area tuh xmanyak kete. Hiphip!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
All abOut him ...
Inilah die :: cinte hati, buah hati, pengarang jantOng, tempat luahan hati, luahan marah, luahan rase, tempat merajOk & memujOk. Yup! He's nOt that perfect, but he is my sOulmate. Suke duke, susah senang, kami bersame. HOpe sO. InsyaAllah ... WalaubagaimanepOn die, aku terime burOk baiknye, begitu juge sebaliknye aku berharap die dapat menerimaku apa adanya aku.
'Cause I'm all about him, him, him, him, him
And he's all about me, me, me, me, me
And we don't give a dang, dang, dang, dang, dang
About nobody-e-e-e
Never ever ever met a guy so fly
Got me hooked like apple pie, I
Think I'm falling and I don't know why
But I won't fight these butterflies
And I swear what we have is just super cool
The way he's always in my head like a Bluetooth
I got a text from him, he said come through
Told me that he wants to kick it, Kung Fu
Don't do nothing much at all
Just we and his boys watching football
He asked for a kiss (Muah) So I gave him two
He said, "Well, thankyou, baby," I said, "You're welcome, boo"
No, I don't need no fancy cars
And I don't need no diamond rings
My baby is all I need and more
'Cause I don't need those extra things
'Cause I'm all about him, him, him, him, him
And he's all about me, me, me, me, me
And we don't give a dang, dang, dang, dang, dang
About nobody-e-e-e
Never ever ever met a guy so fly
Got me hooked like apple pie, I
Think I'm falling and I don't know why
But I won't fight these butterflies
And I swear what we have is just super cool
The way he's always in my head like a Bluetooth
I got a text from him, he said come through
Told me that he wants to kick it, Kung Fu
Don't do nothing much at all
Just we and his boys watching football
He asked for a kiss (Muah) So I gave him two
He said, "Well, thankyou, baby," I said, "You're welcome, boo"
No, I don't need no fancy cars
And I don't need no diamond rings
My baby is all I need and more
'Cause I don't need those extra things
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Aneh, sesangat² aneh ... Ape yang da jadi dengan sumer account aku? EmaiL, pesbOok, & Opkos ym. HardOih Laaa ... Awat jadik Lagu tu? Like sOmeone has dOne sOmething tO it. Takkan La aku Lupe passwOrd kOt? Tak mungkinlah! Hurm... Apelah yang die dapat bile wat gitu erp? SemOge Allah memberi petunjuk kepadenye ...
Bukan La it is the end Of the wOrld bile mende² gini happens kan, tapi die ingat ape, senang² je wat gitu kat sOmeones' belOngings? Da mencabuli hak asasi manusie La tu weyh! HardOih laa ... Ralat jugak la aku na kene wat baru sumer tuh. Email : tempat aku carik keje tu~ halamak aiii ... Sadis tOl la si pOlan nih. FacebOok aku, habisLah aku nyer Farmville! da Level 6o tu babe! Da banyak usehe aku curahkan pade tanah tuh. hardOihhh!
Bukan La it is the end Of the wOrld bile mende² gini happens kan, tapi die ingat ape, senang² je wat gitu kat sOmeones' belOngings? Da mencabuli hak asasi manusie La tu weyh! HardOih laa ... Ralat jugak la aku na kene wat baru sumer tuh. Email : tempat aku carik keje tu~ halamak aiii ... Sadis tOl la si pOlan nih. FacebOok aku, habisLah aku nyer Farmville! da Level 6o tu babe! Da banyak usehe aku curahkan pade tanah tuh. hardOihhh!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Next time yOu pOint yOur finger i'LL pOint yOu tO the mirrOr ...
MaksOdnye ni, kalau u alls xpasal² na menuding jari ke arah saye, saye akan mengarahkan kamOo ke arah cermin : supaye, kamOo akan menuding ke arah diri kamOo sendiri. Hihi. Macam da tak bes translate this quOte intO malay. It's sOunds stupid isn't it ... ? Well, lets keep dOs in English jep lah.
Ape yang jelas di sini ialah, masing² tak kan mudah nak mengaku kesalahan diri sendiri. Si E tudOh si Z, si Z pOn akan tudOh si E yang menjadi punce. Sampai bile² pOm mende ni tak kan sattle. SO, tak paya panjang² cerite, lets end up this, this way :: Mind yOur Own bisnez. Jalani hidOp anda seperti biase. Life's gOes On. Lie dOs tings was never ever happened Or lebih bagOs kalau anggap kite xpenah kenal. dOne!
Fade up lah asyik cite pasal nih ...
P/S : Masih dalam usehe memujOk hati ...
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